Tuesday, August 12, 2008

love ?? like ??

i found this article very interesting ... and it's quite true also....it's from the magazine -- ifeel,,so i have to translate it into english and post it here ...haha..

1. when u like him, standing beside him will make u happy.....^^
when u love him, in front of him u'll have real fast heartbeat, "dup dup, dup dup"

2. when u like him, having conversation with him is so much easier, u can crap wadeva !!
when u love him, talking to him might be a lil bit hard as u find ur tongue is bind tightly....

3. if u like him, when he's crying u'll find ways to make him happy and pleased him..
if u love him.. seeing him cry, u're be there by his side and cry along with him...

4. when stop thinking of someone u like, u'll cover ur ears, eyes, face....stop seeing him..
when stop thinking of someone u love, u'll just close ur eyes and hold ur tears *sob*

5. u like him, look straight into his eyes makes u ~~ SMILE !!!
u love him, simply looking at him makes u ~~ SHY+BLUSH !!!

p/s : guys,, reading this,,simply change him --> her !!! lol...... any comments,,plz respond.....=p

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