then, at night only i realised when i REread this sms..... Notice the the thingy in the RIGHT side, u gotta scroll down larr,,,,the message didnt just end there..... OMG !!!
" Surprise ? Forward to your friends... see whether how many of them right away call you before finishing the msg, haha !!! bla bla bla.................................................. MERRY CHRISTMAS !!! be happy alwayz, forget all your problems "
OMG !!! OMG !!! OMG !!! I was so embarrassing at that moment, i actually did that, i mean NOT CALLING her, but i did SMS her asking what happen,, usually i wont fool easily by such SMS, but i really had no idea what's happening to me,, LOL................. i took it so seriously, and it 'bug' me for quite q while too xD... then, i knew it already, i started to forward it to some of my friends, and see if there's any responds.... ( 1 called me, but i didnt get to answer him, it was in silent mode >,<>
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