Starting off with a real low pace ...
moody and lots of crying part even the day before or the very 1st day of this semester
( dont ask me why here @.@ Mayb in msn, i might answer you )
is this a bad sign of things ?
is this something good which act as a motivator ??
i think i've learnt a lesson,
a priceless one ...
NO NO NO ............ a real expensive one instead
the one which cost me RM200 for it, and lot of time sacrifice,
also many SMSes were thrown to my friends,
as well as tonnes of MSN conversationwith some of you guys ...
anyway, i've decided to change my style of studying,
no longer any last minutes especially for this semester,
no more daily updates in my blog T.T
( sorry to my readers, i just have to have better time management )
i dont want to disappoint certain certain people. . .
some ADD-ONs here :
Subjects i'm taking this semester
Human Sexuality
Educational Psychology
For other updates of myself, what am i doing lately ,,,
( will update and visit there daily, any photos will be uploaded there too =D )